reserve vta solves issue on zyx, triplaner

I had a real shrill setup on my turntable

see this thread

with a little help from Richard Grey, he suggested readjusting by lowering the back of the arm below parallel

the grating sound is gone and I was able to dial in the vta and get lucious sound again. although I am gettting more surface noise

it appears my cantilever has settled where the cartridge is riding lower towards the record surface. Lowering the back of the arm from parallel is giving me better sonics. is there a problem with the cantilever bending up too much?

anything else I should look into?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
Could be other things too.

The first thing I'd check is VTF. As UNIverses build playing hours they need less VTF. By less, I mean less than the manufacturer's recommended minimum of 1.70g. Since crossing the 1000 hour mark my UNIverse/TriPlanar plays best between 1.45 and 1.55g.

The way to set VTF with a UNIverse is to keep reducing it in small (.05g) increments until bass notes lose weight and/or you hear faint mistracking or HF fuzz on really tough passages. Then move it back up in .01-.02g increments until the bass sturdies up, but not so high that you lose fine detail and jump.

Now adjust VTA. Start with the cartridge body (not the tonearm) level. Move up or down in small steps (10-15 on the dial) until you find the sweet spot. I've never known any ZYX that wants to be more than a little off level at most.

I'd also check cartridge alignment and spindle-pivot distance. Do you have a Wally or Mint protractor? If not, you should.
thanks Richard and Doug

I used a Feikert protractor

I'm tracking around 1.8.

the cartridge appears nearly level on the top, but very little clearance underneath, as the cantilever is riding high (tending upward). the arm is definitely low to the back by a good 1/4 inch (when the vta sweet spot is hit).

that's why I couldn't find the vta spot before

I'm a bit concerned about the low clearance of the cartridge over the record. It appeared to be higher before

I'm considering sending my triplaner in for the micro vta adjustment but I am using the added rings triplaner tip
Anyone setting up a tonearm should think about getting the Mint. I haven't used the Feikert, however, I have such confidence in the Mint, I surely would recommend its use.
Audiotomb, adjusting the pivot-to-spindle to the specified 233.5mm has made a ginormous improvement for my Triplanar/Universe/Raven AC setup. I can't jump up and down yelling too much about it. Maybe the most amazing thing I have ever done to tweek in my system.

Useing the supplied Triplanar alignment tool I thought my set up was good. But I was off by over 2mm on the pivot-to-spindle distance. I am now confident that it is with in .5mm.

What a difference. What a difference!

I have only given my mintlp protractor a once over but it looked pretty good so I think I am indeed very close.

Make sure your pivot-to-spindle distance is in speck.

Dear Tom: you posted: +++++ " three sounded very shrill in the high end
no amount of vta would cure this " +++++

and now you posted: +++++ " he suggested readjusting by lowering the back of the arm " +++++

I can't understand what you really mean it: in your first thread you say " no amount on VTA would cure... " +++++ and today you say that with a VTA change everything is ok: could you explain a little about?

+++++ " I'm a bit concerned about the low clearance of the cartridge over the record " +++++

this is not a problem you have to woory.

Now not all the cartridges from one model ( any manufacturer ) are exactly the " same " , it could be a little differences between them each one.

The TDaudio advise is something to verified but if you use the Feikert protractor I could think is rigth.

+++++ " and get lucious sound again... " +++++

this is what it counts, if you already achieve a top quality cartridge performance then you are " there ": congratulations!

Regards and enjoy the music.