Turntable set up HELP

OK, I have majorly messed something up and need expert advice. I set up my turntable a few months ago, and had no real problems, but I wanted to take it to the next level so I bought a Walley Tractor (well I ordered it in October, got it in January) and I tried to use it today. Well after I adjusted the cartridge using the Wally tractor, re-adjusted the needle force and anti-skate and put on a record. Well about 2 minutes in the record started to skip. Adjusting cartridge force again, anti-skate nothing helps. All the records skip. Platter is still level, I can't figure it out. Took everything off, re-set up, still skipping???

Mofi and Tfk, thought that was it, but it is clearing. Here's another bizzaro bit to this, I can play regular vinyl but not 180g???
Is the back end of the cart now hitting the surface of the vinyl? Its clearly something about vertical relationships if you can play thinner records OK>

You should check if the VTA changed from the previous setup. If it did, after setting it up correctly, adjust the tracking force again.


Cartridge wire brushing the LP surface could cause skipping on some thicker LP's and also on some warps.

P.S. Calm down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe the counterweight is hitting something on the back of the arm? If it's close to the pivot point, it could be bumping the back of the arm or the lift mechanism or the anti-skate assembly or the mounting base?