Oracle, Alphason and what Cartridge?

After 16 years (long story), I unpacked my Oracle Premier and Alphason HR-100MCS and looking to buy a cartridge.
Two questions, I hope you can help me with:
1. Alphason's owner manual has no mention of effective mass. CartridgeDB lists it as 8.5 g, but I've seen online 11 g few times and 13.5 g once. Anybody knows?
2. Oracle and Alphason have in my opinion similar sonic signatures - transparent, fast and airy (little light). What cartridge would put some meat on front end's skinny bones? I'm thinking used $1,000 or little over.
I use a ZU 103 on my HR-100MCS and absolutely love the results. $400 gets you in the big leagues with the Alphason.
Here's a link I found with the owners manual. I think it said 13g.
I went back to CartridgeDB site and noticed, that Alphason Xenon was listed as 13 grams effective mass. It didn't make sense. I knew, that Xenon was just a lower spec HR-100S with the same architecture, so I clicked on Xenon owner's manual and there it was:

Effective mass - Hr-100S 13g, Opal 13g, Xenon 13g, Delta 15g.
Suitable for cartridges with compliances up to 35cu.

I guess, they overlooked the spec on the early production HR-100S and added info to later model arms. That makes my HR-100MCS compatible with many more cartridges.
Now I just have to pick a cartridge, that will balance out slightly light character of Oracle Premier/Alphason combo.
I know, that Alphason/Koetsu was a popular match, but I'm looking for more options...