How is it ? that a tuner smokes the table ???

"(cats out of the bag)"

my friends dynalab 109 tube tuner blows away his turntable front end that costs 4X as much!!!

Can any one explain how a cd or analog turntable at a radio station gets played and sent thru the air and gets
reconstructed at the tuner is the single highest quality
source in hiend two channel reproduction !

that blows me away and I can understand it ?

IMHO tuner highest source than turntable than CD in that order.

I wish somebody told me this before I spend so much money !

what sayest thou ?
Dear Jimpcn: Too many tubes and IMHO some in the wrong place but this is for other thread.

Thank you for the info.
Btw, +++++ " I listened to countless analog set ups which were simply nothing special (no depth, no body, no holographic picture, colored in nearly all frequencies etc....) and even expensive Systems can be really boring. " +++++

maybe that " reference " analog system belongs to these kind of audio systems.

Regards and enjoy the music.
You nailed it, Mapman. After Jimpcn made this statement this entire discussion is almost moot because it is a matter of preference in the end.

The tuner sounds similiar but has more dynamics and colorations, but is intimate, and just sounds damn good.
the amplifiers are transistor, preamp is tube nice combo;

also I don't buy the argument that his TT front end
belongs to that boring category, because I already mentioned that at times his table has more depth than the tuner, body is good and dynamics ok but not as good as the tuner; but in areas that are most important to recreate live sound the tuner dose a better job; IMO

If TT sound so bad, he would sell it and buy something else
but each move in the vinyl system has been an upgrade and he is not
interested in selling any pieces at this time.
vinyl is close to being max out.

the comment about this discussion being moot?
well that is always the case here on this discussion form
only because you can't all come and hear this comparison.

but, it is not moot if it just opens someones mind, and changes their preconceived notion based on audio BS. something
is learned, my intention and point is this, vinyl is no longer king of the hill(IMO) and diminishing returns should be considered.
I may downscale the vinyl medium, and with the cash get a 109 !

tuner is way more dynamic,
way more intimate (and that's shocking), and more flesh and body sounding, than a table could ever dream of.

those three elements are strong components to simulate live music IMHO. !!!

I am convinced that if a record or cd is playing from your CD player or TT, the radio stations same song will always sound better thru this 109 tuner.

I wish I knew why and how, but that is a fact and I am sticking with it !

until proven other wise, and if I hear something different
I will come back and report it and eat some crow.

peace brothers.
Dear Jimpcn: +++++ " but not as good as the tuner; but in areas that are most important to recreate live sound the tuner dose a better job; IMO " +++++

well everyone of us want and look for " recrete live sound ", there is no way this can/could happen because the best we can have is what is on the recording that was take it by the micros and then followed for many steps ( distortions/colorations ) till we have it through a LP.

+++++ " I am convinced that if a record or cd is playing from your CD player or TT, the radio stations same song will always sound better thru this 109 tuner. " +++++

" always sound better ", this is what you heard/hear and what you like and I respect that but I'm trying to figure/wonder why an audio signal ( FM/radio signal ) that pass through at least one-two additional stages ( maybe are 10 or more ) not only does not suffer any degradation ( and this is impossible ) but " suffer " an improvement!!!, how is that? how could happen? do you have a rational/objective explanation? because it does not make any sense, we are in 2009 year not in the 2081 one.

Btw, which audio system you own?, could share with us?

Regards and enjoy the music.