Upgrading Music Hall 2.2 tone arm.

Years ago I had a Linn Basik with a Sumiko Blue point. I loved the sound of that deck. I took a break from my audiophile obsession and got back into it about 3 years ago. I now have a Music Hall 2.2 and I really don't like the sound. I'm thinking of upgrading the arm to a Linn Basik arm or maybe a Rega RB250 or RB300. Does this make sense? Would it improve the sound to close to the Linn or sould I continue to hold out to find a Linn that I can afford right now.

IMHO, Sell it.
Put the $ towards a better TT whether it be an MH or other brand. You will be happier in the end, and probably save yourself cash over spending on multiple upgrades while never being reasonably satisfied with the results.
Try a Herbie's mat. It added amazing fullness to the sound of my Music Hall MMF-5. Horrible on my Linn, so that only goes to show... something or other.
While the mmf-2 has evolved into a relatively decent turntable for the money, I wouldn't put more money into it. I doubt it could ever sound like a Linn.

The Herbie's mat is a good recommendation; it made a huge difference with my mmf-2.1 (and its resonant metal platter.) The stock Goldring/Music Hall cartridge (still the Tracker?) isn't bad but upgrading the cartridge also made big improvements.

Save your money and then buy up a few more notches.
