Experience w/ Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Tone Arm?

How many of you have the Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Air Bearing linear Tone Arm? Or the older Trans-Fi Evolution Tonearm. What is your experience with this arm, how satisfied are you with this arm, and how does it compare with other tonearms you have tried?

I am seriously thinking of getting the Terminator for my VPI Super Scoutmaster with Rim Drive, but have no experience with linear tone arms. I have found just one person on Audiogon who has this arm and loves it. This fact is somewhat confusing to me, since if the arm is so great, as some people say it is, you would think more people on Audiogon would have it or at least tried it out.
I'm going to buy one. Thanks to all for the info. The turntable technician for the distributor from whom I just bought a Clearaudio Innovation Compact is willing to help me set it up. Between him and Vic there should be no problem in setting it up.
I will definitely get the silver RCA wire. What about the digital VTA display? Needed? Recommended? The technician won't need it, but I might in the future.
What about the Hose Adaptor Kit (barbs + drill tap 10GBP)? Are they needed? I have no idea what these are? I do have a drill.
OK, I don't need to waste any more of your time. I just noticed the "manual" available at the Trans-Fi site. It explains all this stuff. I won't need to buy the adaptor kit from Vic.