Establishing a common analog listening bias

Maybe it is possible to establish a widely accepted common ground in terms of listening bias by choosing and agreeing on 10-30 LPs all readily available new to all audiophiles for decent price.
If all listening tests and personal comments regarding the sound of components and systems in the various threads and posts would refer to any of these LPs mainly, everyones comments and experiences would much easier be understood by their fellow Audiogoners.

How about an "Audiogon baker's double-dozen"?

This would create a solid ground for all of us.

How do you think about this ?
No certainly not easy - 10 audiophiles = 11 opinions.
Guess we have to abandon the idea of establishing any common ground regarding a set/list of "evaluation records" for high-end audio purpose.
But then that idea is failing in almost all areas of social/public life today.
How could I dare hoping for any better here....(:^) ....
Alas - it was a try.
I have already explained it in the fourth post in this thread; no need to endlessly repeat things. I will leave that to others.
Thanks Viridian. I found your fourth post and get your point. You don't think it is a good idea to create a list of recordings that we could use as a common basis for discussion. However, to Dertonarm you wrote: "And a really bad try at that." I thought he gave it a good try even if the idea is flawed for the reasons you stated. The thread did generate some good recommendations.

I do like the idea of sharing recommendations of good recordings with other members of the forum.