New favorite VINYL Album?

Wolfgang Amadeus by PHOENIX great sounding, fantastic music, highly recomended. my new favorite vinyl album.
James Newton Howard & friends, - Sheffield Lab 23
Organic Jazz, very dynamic & just fun.
Hear are some very tasteful new indie with excellent sonics and music

M. Ward ~ Hold Time You should buy Post War first. Then a few of his older stuff just released on vinyl...then Hold Time

Devander Banhart ~ Cripple Crow (you got to hear this)

TV on Radio ~ Return to Cookie Mountain

Black Morning Light~ I cant remember the album names but both are incredible sonics and if you like a pink floyd, with more blues, classic rock, roots you will love this.

Dan Auerback (from black keys) Keep it hid

Explosions in the Sky ~ They have two albums...good

Cat Power ~~~ You Are Free

CAt Power ~ Jukebox and The Greatest
The scary thing as an analog devotee to admit about the Massey Hall LP is that it was digitally remastered--and probably altered--before going back out to the lathe. I guess we're just getting a good vinyl version of a CD. I've often wondered if such "digital" versions improve sonically by having them pressed on vinyl. At least here is no DAC in the chain! But is it really analog...
Rokia Traore - Tchamantche and The Specials (remaster)

The first is great music and beautifully recorded. The latter is just classic!

Kipdent, I too wonder if maybe some of the new vinyl(and which ones?) have had digital involved. Now that digital has improved, maybe it isn't quite as necessary to have all analog. I do know that I don't listen to earlier lps that have digital in them-even on Japanese vinyl.