New Lyra Delos Cartridge

Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone has used the new Lyra Delos Cartridge and what their thoughts were on it. I saw it on their site and on music direct.

At least you know you can trust your ears :) The loading values with a step-up transformer are listed in the Specifications section at the very end of the manual.

I don't understand the technical aspects of loading directly into the MC input vs. a step-up tranny, but I know there are many here who do and they will hopefully provide an explanation. In the alternative, you could post this question in the Tech Talk forum, if you don't get an answer here.
I finally got it dialed in. Seems that 15 ohms is good.

I first went back to no parallel resistors, 1x10 tranny, 47k at the secondary for a 470 ohm load. In my system that is positively brutal. I had a friend over because I was getting confused with what I was hearing. He is a musician with very good ears (classically trained pianist). He agreed that that setup was unobtainable.

We were listening to Van Morrison's 'Poetic Champions Compose'. Van's studio work is, for the most part, exemplary. But at 470 ohms, while you could hear detail (too much transient attack) you could not tell that on a number of cuts he was using a string section as opposed to a synth. The string timbres were that poor. I changed to 15 ohms, and the string section became obvious to the point that you could actually discern individual instruments.

Listening to Respighi ('Church Windows' - Geoffrey Simon, Chandos digital, 'The Birds' - Dorati, Mercury Living Presence) the worldwide were very ambiguous at 470 ohms. At 15 ohms, there is no doubt which instruments you are hearing.

Finally, all you tube rollers, DO NOT overlook the Sovtek 12ax7lps. I figured that it would not work in the phono pre with the Delos, since the Delos is so sensitive. Wrong. I am using two of them into pair of RCA cleartop 12au7 buffer tubes. They sound far and away better, than the Telefunkens, Mullard long plates, GE long plates, or anything else that I tried. They are the icing on the cake in this setup. What ever ambiguities in sonic definition that remained after the loading experiment were completely cleared up with the Sovteks.

Great sound but a pain in the a** to get there...
Didn't edit the previous post - accidentally submitted it. This brilliant tablet has a mind of its own when it comes to offering alternative spellings and word without asking me first...

I talked to the Lyra guys who were very helpful. I was all wrong with what I was doing.

They clarified their instructions. The load that you use with the Delos should be the same regardless of whether you use a SUT or a MC phono preamp - that is, > 90 Ohms. The note about SUTs in the instructions does NOT refer to loading. It refers to the kind of SUT that you use. The SUT should be one that is designed for cartridges with an internal impedance from 5 - 15 ohms. The Delos is about 8.

The 10x SUT that I was using was designed for 20 - 40 ohms cartridges, not low impedance cartridges. I don't know how low and high impedance SUTs differ, but apparently they do. The other SUT is designed for low impedance cartridges but has 16x and 32x taps. Without loading these down significantly, my MM input was overloading - too much gain.

So bottom line is that the specified load for the Delos is > 91 ohms, regardless of what sort of step up method that you choose. If you choose a SUT make sure that you don't overload the MM input.
Thanks for that bit of importnat information. I, too,misinterpreted the Delos instructions.