Anyone using a Lyra Delos yet?

There was an initial thread about the Lyra Delos a few months back, but I haven't seen much follow up about users' impressions with this cartridge. Is anyone using a Delos and if so, how are you liking it?

I'm looking for a new cartridge for my VPI Classic and JLTi phono stage. I'm currently using an old Grado cartridge from my previous turntable, and it's on its last legs. So if anyone has any other suggestions I'd love to hear them. Price ceiling about $1,500. System used mostly to play rock, jazz and acoustic music.

Thank you.
Actus. The manual states that when in use the cantilever should appear to be at 90 degrees to the front face. This seems to be the case when the cart is "low riding" (by this I mean the sort of "ground" clearances you describe).
Mine is the same but I've yet to hear it collide with any severe warps. My previousa cart didn't offer any more clearance than this either.
With warped discs it can be a little bit unnerving at times though...
Hope this helps..................M.
Thanks Moonglum. The cantilever looks to be perfectly perpendicular to the red front magnet carrier so I guess it's not a low rider and just as it's supposed to be. The sound certainly seems to be confirming it, haha!
Actus, no problem buddy.:)
I could imagine a few users returning their carts for remedial action but you wonder if that's the right thing to do in all(?) cases. Does this mean the manufacturer would crank up the suspension to compensate - giving the impression of a cart with too little VTF but excellent ground clearance. If so, ostensibly, that would defeat Lyra's original design intent while gratifying the customer.
At least the washi paper doesn't pick up many passengers i.e. fluff, when it happens, tends to stick mostly to the cantilever?
I have to admit that despite the restrictive nature of Lyra's setup recommendations for their new generation of carts, the results have been "textbook accurate". Horizontal VTA seems to give perfect results with a downforce of 1.75-1.76g (for me anyway).

1mm gap sounds normal to me. Mine was adjusted as the washi paper was touching the vinyl during playback, dragging up dustball at end of side sometimes. Since the adjustment, I have roughly 1mm gap.
I recently got a Delos. Have done about 50 hours. I find the sound to be too bony (less meat)/threadbare. There is also an extra sizzle in the treble that distracts me. I am using it on a Technics SL-1200 TT with its stock arm. Here are the configurations I have tried:

VTF: 1.7, 1.75, 1.8 grams
Impedance loading: 47 kohms, 400 ohms, 200 ohms
VTA: almost neutral

My phonostage is a RCM Sensor Prelude.
I do not have the tools to measure the exact angle at which the stylus sits on the record (I know it is critical) but having tried various VTF, I did not hear any improvement in the areas that I am concerned. The threadbareness and sizzling treble is always there. Is it a matter of break-in ?

As reference I also use a ZYX RS30, Empire EDR9 and in the past Denon 103pro, none of these had these issues. Any suggestions on what could be going on ?