Soundsmith's turnaround time?

How long have you guys had to wait to get your cartridge back for repair/retip?
Sent 2 of mine on December 1st 2009. No status update and no response to my emails. Called twice and "will look into it and will get back to you".
Still nothing.

Anyone can share their experience on wait time?
My amp and preamp took nine months to complete after an original estimate of six-eight weeks at Soundsmith.The resulting sound of the equipment is fantastic.The staff is not just a staff,it's more like a club of enthusiasts and curators.Peter is a hi-fi legend and very generous of spirit.He befriended my son and entertained him with a demonstration of tricks he has trained his dog to do.Then he gave us a tour of his showroom,dispite the fact that he was hosting an industry luncheon.We audio enthusiasts(spoiled children)are not buying mass produced products.We are purchasing limited production,mostly handmade,gizmos that are very specialized.We should be a bit more patient and Soundsmith should provide a little more realistic turnaround time and we'll all meet in the middle and enjoy the experience.
Well said, l2red! Tknif, Peter fixed my XV1s a few years back. Please post back on your thoughts of how it performs and how you think it has changed. TIA
dan_ed, as soon as my new Graham phantom armwand arrives I will mount and let you know. Right now I'm Enjoyng my Van Den Hull Colibri XGP, stellar cartridge right out of the box!