Steelhead vs LP2 etc with Revel Krell and Sota

Hey guys,

So I'm in the market for a new phono preamp. Here is my current system:

Sota Sapphire with Vacuum just refurbished at factory
Denon DL-160 Cartridge (temp cart waiting on a mysterious lyra kleos!)
PS Audio GCPH phono preamp
Placette passive linestage
Krell 400cx
Revel Gems (new in box about 8 months ago)
Revel B15

So I'm not sure if it shows but i've pieced this system together from amaizng deals/free of being in the industry. The synergy of the system could be improved. The Krell and the Revels are great at what they do but seem out of place in the vinyl tube relm. That said I don't really know if i'm ready to swap speakers and amp at this stage.

I'd like to get a phono preamp that is very flexible and will last me several different cartridge changes and hopefully i'll stick with the SME arm. I'd like to mount that to an SME table one day.

I'm thinking of using the volume control on the Steelhead and running it directly to my amp and sub. I'm gonna sell a Levinson 30.5 DAC, the PS Audio GCPH and the placcette linestage. I've thought about the Aesthetix IO with volume control. Maybe the Lamm LP2 going into the Placette.

I'd like to say "hey I'll just get a demo and try it out in my system". But I don't think the cartridge I have now would allow me to really see a defining difference.

Anyone have thoughts?

Dear Rhohense: As you point out that Denon can't show you very high quality performance you need a better cartridge, either LOMC or MM/MI, before you think in a new phonolinepreamp. IMHO the most important link in an analog system is the source and this means: the cartridge.

Now, you talk about your Revel rig ( that I know very well. ) and you think that maybe you need a change here too.
I don't know which kind of room you have and which kind of room treatment are using but Gem's/B-15's are great combination with very high quality performance.
I read you have only one B-15 and your pictures on the B-15 room place seems/means to me: problems ( room interaction. ) that could preclude better system performance. I can't be sure because I don't know how performs your system so maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway please read here some interesting information about:

Regards and enjoy the music,
If your thinking about upgrading to an SME table why not save some bread and move up to a current spec Cosmos. Ive compared the 30 to a Cosmos side by side and preferred the Cosmos hands down. Once you get your phono stage and cartridge sorted out you will better be able to evaluate how the rest of the system works together.
Hi Russ:

The Kleos has the same electrical parameters as the Helikon. Output voltage 0.5~0.6mV at 5cm/sec (JVC test record), 5.4 ohm coil DCR, 9.9uH coil inductance.

I'd suggest using a tonearm cable with as little capacitance as possible, because this will allow you to load the cartridge more lightly, which should yield benefits in dynamic range and transient impact. Hope this information is of help when preparing the tonearm cable and phono stage loading.

I'm still working on simulations and measurements for how the electrical characteristics of the Kleos change with loading (including cable capacitance and phono stage resistance). I will incorporate this information into the instruction manual (as it was with the Delos).

The Kleos itself has entered production, but I am still working on the artwork for the packaging, and the information and text for the aforementioned instruction manual. I find these aspects to be tedious work, but unfortunately we aren't allowed to send cartridges to our distributors and dealers without proper packaging and instructions.

My estimate is that we will start shipping in around 2 weeks.

cheers, jonathan carr
Small update.

A Kleos (from the first production run) will be demonstrated in Munich. I believe that this will be in a room shared with Fast Audio and AMR.

I've continued to work flat-out on the graphics and page layouts for the packaging. I'd estimate that I'm 80-90% finished. Graphics and layout work are all complete; colors, paper and coating need more refinement. But we have hand-made some initial packaging samples for Munich.

Next on the must-complete list is the instruction manual and the electrical simulations and measurements.

cheers, jonathan carr
I have an SL bought from needle doctor. It has been a good option for me since I use a Tandberg 3018A preamp. Its MC sensitivity is 0.05 mV (I believe the gain is 75 db or so) - the best phono stage I've heard so far: clean, transparent, dynamic! What are my exchange/retip options?