Rotel RCD-1072 vs Sony XA5400ES

Hello all, which of these two players is better for CD-only playback? The Rotel is an older unit which has served me quite well over the years. The Sony player also does SACD which I don't need but does use the better DAC out of the two -- the Burr Brown 1796 DAC.
I had the Rotel and was quite happy with it. Just a note - there was a MAJOR difference when I put in Kimber Cable Hero Interconnects. I would highly recommend putting a bit of $ into cables.
Zd542, no disrespect was intended, so I hope none was taken. Having heard both players, your feedback may be exactly what the OP was looking for.
I own both units currently and my Sony XA 5400 ES outperforms my Rotel RCD 1072, in my opinion, with redbook CDs. Especially in the treble, which is just smoother with the Sony. Now, the RCD 1072 is a fine unit and I kept mine for a backup if the Sony ever goes out (trouble free for 3 years so far), but it doesn't do SACD. The RCD 1072 does HDCD, but good luck finding a HDCD. The Sony cost me $1,050 new and the RCD 1072 was $725 as I recall, and for the price the RCD 1072 was (is) a wonderful unit.
"Zd542, no disrespect was intended, so I hope none was taken."

None whatsoever. Your opinion is every bit as valid as mine, and its an honest one. Nothing wrong with that.
FWIW, I had an RCD-1072 and loved it, but ended up selling it one year after buying a Squeezebox Touch (was $300 then). Playing the same CD (wav image and CD itself), using the analog signal out of both units and into a fairly resolving system, I could hear no difference. But the SBT had the edge over the CD medium in flexibility (ability to create playlists, hi-rez music, etc), so ended up selling my beloved Rotel to help finance a DAC.

I know it's not what the OP asked for, but I thought it would be useful for you to know.