Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?

I ordered a Lyra Dorian instead of the Lyra Delos because a sales rep at the company I called said there was really no difference in sound quality so the Dorian would save me some money. I would appreciate it if anyone who is familiar with these cartridges could let me know if the Delos is the better cartridge. My turntable is a VPI HW-19 MK-3 and the tonearm is a Audioquest PT-6. Thanks,Montgomery
I auditioned many cart's before buying the Lyra Dorian. It was in my opinion, the best sounding cart, on my VPI ScoutMaster, of all the carts I listened to under $2k.
I didn't listen to anything over 2k, as I didn't want to spend that much. But I was positioned to spend up to $2k, and it was better than anything else I listened to, and 1/2 the cost of some.
It also was regarded by many reviewers as being a phenominal cart, and I believe it won "best in category" in a number of publications, a few years back.
The best thing I would advise, is to listen to all you can. What sounds best to you, is all that really matters!
I'm not sure why Elizabeth made those comments, but with Audiofiel it's obvious...
I hope you find what you're looking for.
Happy listening!!!
You can get Dorian for about $800 plus shipping from the UK.
Nor am I sure why she made those comments.
Dealers and salespeople sell what is best for them, or the store, NOT what is best for the customer. (usually, but if they do sell what is best for the customer and detrimental for the store, they will NOT be a salesman there very much longer)
ANY time a salesperson gives advice it is best to find out if that advice is good, or just self-serving. In this case, the advice was self serving for the salesman. They have a limited supply of the 'hot' in short supply cartridge, and a surplus of the Dorain. So OF COURSE the salesman is going to tell the op that the Dorian is just as good! he gets rid of a product that has become dead in the water, and does not sell a product he can barely keep in stock at all.
NEVER ever trust a salesman without furthur investigation. Or, you become just another mark.
Same thing for responses to posts. Who knows if i am telling the truth? Ditto all those responses with "XYZ is the best gizmo for you.." responses. Think for yourself. and Let the buyer be wary....
So, dealers mostly lie in one way or another, so do people here. Let the paranoia reign with Elizabeth taking the lead.
I had a Delos and upgraded to the Kleos. The Delos is a great cartridge for the money, and could easily sell for 500 more and get away with it. It is a newer design than the Dorian. I traded a LydianB , I have never heard the Dorian but I am sure it is good too. I love the Lyra sound, but if you are willing to spend the extra, why not get the latest, newest design? You never said what he is charging you for the Dorian. If it is a great deal, you can get it now and Lyra has a good trade up program. I got 700 for my Lydian that sold for 1000 new and I had paid 900. So that could let you try both over a period of time.
Just my opinion, not to offend anyone else, only answering your original question.