Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?

I ordered a Lyra Dorian instead of the Lyra Delos because a sales rep at the company I called said there was really no difference in sound quality so the Dorian would save me some money. I would appreciate it if anyone who is familiar with these cartridges could let me know if the Delos is the better cartridge. My turntable is a VPI HW-19 MK-3 and the tonearm is a Audioquest PT-6. Thanks,Montgomery
Tthe yen has gone up in value by 30% against other currencies over the past few years. JICO is raising USD prices as of April 2 by 30-40%. Why? Because this Japanese company, making products in Japan, paying people in yen, now has USD prices which are 25-30% cheaper than the yen prices, simply because they haven't changed prices while the yen has gone up (the dollar has gone down). If the dollar goes down by 30%, your sales go down by 30% when you are a yen-denominated company.

Lyra is also a Japanese company, making products in Japan, with production/design/parts/fuel/distribution/etc costs in yen. If you want to buy them in yen, please do - the price increase of the Delos vs the Dorian is smaller here so Inna can feel much less righteous indignation if he denominates himself in yen. As far as I can tell, the USD MSRP of the Delos is STILL cheaper than the Japanese MSRP of the same cartridge (yen MSRP converted to dollars), so thos

I, for one, heard a Lyra Kleos for the first time today, and on the tonearm it was mounted on, it worked really, really well. I thought it was really excellent. Kudos Jonathon!
I have owned the Dorian, Argo and now the Delos.

The Delos is better in every way...bass, resolution and especially detail.

The above Lyras were mounted on a Linn Ittok, you may experience differing results on the VPI/Audioquest but again to me, Dorian is worth the extra cost, very much so!

"I'm not sure why Elizabeth made those comments"

Because it's true. If you folks do not believe there is mostly truth in what she said than you may be naive or delusional. I have sold audio and other electronics and know the ropes. Most salespeople are either selling what makes the most money or as Elizabeth indicated, something they need to get rid of. Often stuff that needs to go is "spiffed". That means there is extra money given to the sales people to sell it. When I sold audio in the 80's, cartridges had HUGE markups. I doubt it has changed much. BTW, video has minimal markup normally. They need to sell you the extra warranty or installation services.

"We don't give a damn about currency fluctuations, cost of fuel, raw materials etc."

You should. JCarr was likely telling the truth. I too am suspicious of many businesses but I am self employed so I do understand costs. Based on his recent reply to my Kleos Sibilance thread and his other sometimes long replies, I suspect he is one of the good guys. And few would not agree that he is one of the very best cartridge designers today.

Y'all be cool,
This may be an inappropriate question, it possible to get new cartridges (Lyra and others) at a discount? If so, from whom?