Gruv Glide

anyone use it ? Is it just going to gum up the grooves ? I have it, not enough experience with it to come to a conclusion whether it's good or not so good.
I started using GG as I had a horrible static electricity issue with LOUD discharge pops. It is definitely good for eliminating the static charge and the resultant dust collection. I first clean with an RCM and then treat with GG. It does deposit some stuff in the grooves, but this is gone after one playing. IMO, it does not ruin the sound, although I respect the opinions of those who think it does. If I didn't have static issues, I probably would not use it, as I really don't hear any sonic improvement. In any case, it will not harm your records and will be removed by a good cleaning.
I use it on worn records. Thats all now. I talked to Roy hall from Music Hall 10-12 years ago and his words were "nasty stuff" I called him cause my TT belt was losing its grip. He suspected GG to be culprit. I did use it in the days I didnt have a record cleaning machine. I thought it improved the sound.
Gruv Glide is one of those products where less is better.
The usual thought is if a tiny tiny bit is good, then more is better. NOT with Gruv Glide. Same thing for contact enhancers, The tiniest bit possible is the trick.
If it is gunking up, then too much is being used.
I bought some years ago and still have practically a brand new box. Tried it once, saw what it was and realized it was a mistake to subject my vinyl and stylus to talcom powder.
Theo, Your Gruv Glide came in a Box??? It was like Talcom, oh my, I think somebody sure sold you on something, but it sure wasn't Gruv Glide:0)