Gruv Glide

anyone use it ? Is it just going to gum up the grooves ? I have it, not enough experience with it to come to a conclusion whether it's good or not so good.
I avoid this sort of stuff, just clean vinyl with my VPI and I'm done. Keep your stylus clean too.
As you look at RCMs, I have read an awful lot of positive comments on this website about the VPI 16.5 -- I use a Nitty Gritty, myself, which I like a whole lot, but the strong consensus here seems to favor the VPI.

For stylus cleaning, I am very, very fond of Onzow's Zerodust, which does a marvelous job.
Sorry to disagree, but I like the Gruv Glide treatment. IMO, it does NOT gum up the grooves. Not sure if and how G_m_c used the Gruv Glide, but if you follow the manufacturer's instructions and apply to the supplied pads; then in my experience it actually knocks back some of the groove noise and can on some more noisy LP's make them more listenable. I see no way it can gum up the grooves unless you are applying huge amounts directly onto the surface of the LP from the can...even then??
I use a VPI 16.5 to clean first and then apply Gruv Glide after...a nice tool to increase resolution and knock back noise, specially on a more worn record.
I started using GG as I had a horrible static electricity issue with LOUD discharge pops. It is definitely good for eliminating the static charge and the resultant dust collection. I first clean with an RCM and then treat with GG. It does deposit some stuff in the grooves, but this is gone after one playing. IMO, it does not ruin the sound, although I respect the opinions of those who think it does. If I didn't have static issues, I probably would not use it, as I really don't hear any sonic improvement. In any case, it will not harm your records and will be removed by a good cleaning.
I use it on worn records. Thats all now. I talked to Roy hall from Music Hall 10-12 years ago and his words were "nasty stuff" I called him cause my TT belt was losing its grip. He suspected GG to be culprit. I did use it in the days I didnt have a record cleaning machine. I thought it improved the sound.
Gruv Glide is one of those products where less is better.
The usual thought is if a tiny tiny bit is good, then more is better. NOT with Gruv Glide. Same thing for contact enhancers, The tiniest bit possible is the trick.
If it is gunking up, then too much is being used.
I bought some years ago and still have practically a brand new box. Tried it once, saw what it was and realized it was a mistake to subject my vinyl and stylus to talcom powder.
Theo, Your Gruv Glide came in a Box??? It was like Talcom, oh my, I think somebody sure sold you on something, but it sure wasn't Gruv Glide:0)
OK Daveyf what was it then? It said GruvGlide on the box. The can was in the box, the can sprayed a powder that when dried had a talcom powder like consistancy. It came with 2 pads much like a "powder puff" women use for applying make up. It looked strikingly similar to this:

So my oh my what what this mystery stuff I bought?
Daveyf, have a nice day. Enjoy your GruvGlide, if I find my "container" of Gruv Glide I will send it to you free of charge.
Theo, from the sounds of it, you would be better off putting it in the trash
where it now belongs. Seriously, I have thrown several cans of GG away in the past, they do have a shelf life.
if they have a shelf life, how do they react with the vinyl as the chemical properties of the gg decays?
Not sure of that G_m_c. However, i have never had a problem with any vinyl that has been treated with GG and this is over a period of about 15 years that i have used the stuff.
The propellant in the can does go south after some amount of time, I have never seen the GG lubricant become a powder though!
My experience with the GG is just as Elizabeth and others have stated. Use it as the directions state (sparingly) and it has helped resolve my static issues.
