Gruv Glide

anyone use it ? Is it just going to gum up the grooves ? I have it, not enough experience with it to come to a conclusion whether it's good or not so good.
OK Daveyf what was it then? It said GruvGlide on the box. The can was in the box, the can sprayed a powder that when dried had a talcom powder like consistancy. It came with 2 pads much like a "powder puff" women use for applying make up. It looked strikingly similar to this:

So my oh my what what this mystery stuff I bought?
Daveyf, have a nice day. Enjoy your GruvGlide, if I find my "container" of Gruv Glide I will send it to you free of charge.
Theo, from the sounds of it, you would be better off putting it in the trash
where it now belongs. Seriously, I have thrown several cans of GG away in the past, they do have a shelf life.
if they have a shelf life, how do they react with the vinyl as the chemical properties of the gg decays?