Krell 350mc vs Mark Levinson 336

I have a pair of B&W Nautilus 802's and want to upgrade my system.I listen to jazz and R&B. Which amp would be best for these types of music?I have ARC's D240 and an LS2 right now.
I heard a 336 on B&W N802 speakers and I wished I could have bought it on the spot. Quite an amp IMO. I auditioned Krell here and there and agree with the guys' comments above that it is on the in-your-face side of things which I don't care for. Arthur
I think everybody thinks Krell is "in your face", bright, etc because of reading threads like this.

I've auditioned the 700cx, and it isn't remotely bright imho. Maybe past renditions were, but the new cx series is a different animal.

With B&Ws, i'd take the Krell...of course, i've always thought Levinson amps are boring (334, 336)
I have a Krell FPB 200c powering my Nautilus 804n speakers.NO BRIGHTNESS - nice smooth sound!!!