Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Here is some art diplomacy. Let's honour our friends in far away land our way.
Nandric, welcome back. Relax, no-one is going to threaten Holland, everyone needs at least one Red Light country. But if need arises I will protect the Netherlands with all my audiophile madness too and will spare no cartridges, records and cables to beat the f... out of those shitheads who might have a stupidity to interfere with that gay march you mentioned.
Long live..whatever wants to live!
The music I promised:
Well, lobotomy aside, I can not think how we have fall at less than zero point. Is it by our habit to turn our back to what is going on and the reasoning behind these collaborations? Such a simplified explanation betrays an unconscious & percutaneous perception of the most important things that influence our life. I certainly don't want to unintentionally insult anyone here so, please excuse my withdrawal of this board.
Dear Nandric,

I didn't say anything bad about your second motherland "The Netherlands", I just said maybe in the case of Marakanetz he has more freedom in the US. I meant if you look at regulations, financial burdens and so on we are facing in the EU.
I know that among Europeans a US bashing is very popular, or at least a bashing against power. You know best having travelled a lot and having seen many cultures that a working society needs some regulations - we in Germany are world champion in this subject - and maybe in the Netherlands they had the less regulations in Europe. Sweden has changed a lot and I guess in the Netherlands too. Maybe we cling to old images of the 90ies.

best & fun only
Dear Inna, You and my friend Thuchan, not to mention my Greek brother, are the reasons to come back. But I do intend to avoid this thread if possible. Ie if nobody
insults my two mother countries.


Dear Nandric,
okay the discussion was a bit hard and sometimes simplified and of course a bit provoking - but this is the most interesting thread since a long time.
It shows that we are able to discuss relevant matters of our life and not always avoiding topics of religion, nations, societies etc. I got the feeling all around people are educated to swallow, not expressing what they think and feel. it is getting a bit boring dealing all the time with superficial arguments rather than with reality. I liked Marakanetz statement and exuse for abusing him as a place marker for some topics. Of  course we don't have to agree in the end and it is your right defending your mother countries as it is Geoch's to retreat.
Inna moderates in a very good and intelligent way - which is not easy with such tough we are, or?

best & fun only