24 feet DIN to XLR phono cable for Graham Phantom?

Would the conexion be considered 'balanced'? I need a 24 feet run. And finallly, any of you have experience with a similar cable?

Dear Lewm, I have tried your suggestion and it has brought a big improvement to the sound image and, surprisingly, to the tonal balance, now with less enphasis on the higher frequencies. I guess the turntable huge acrilic case was acting as a resonance box.
Unfortunately my wife is not so happy because I have brought the music rack (double width and quite high) also 5 feet into the room to be aligned to the speakers plane and this is our living room as well :-). So far I got permision, so lets enjoy it.
If in the future I evolve to a Pre-Power combo I'll be able to move the phono pre together with the turntable to a side space, following the recommendations to other posters.

Thanks to all of you guys!
Jbuenech if your preamp can drive long interconnects then the equipment stand need not be between the speakers. Did I read it right that the Allnic has balanced outputs?
Atmasphere, the Allnic has balanced outputs, but my integrated amp does not have balanced inputs. It only handles Unbalanced.
Not to hijack this thread, I just offer this as an option to Jbuenech's similar dilemma. I am a bit of a newbie on this site and with TT set up - so tolerance please if I'm way off base/out of order here.

I too am just installing a new TT set up ~10-12 ft remote from my integrated amp/receiver/theatre suite.
My integrated also does not have balanced inputs, only RCA but my phono prestage does have xlr out, along with a volume/gain control output.
I have a relative that is a producer/record label owner dealing with proaudio recording and editing suites of his material/artists in his studios. He's suggested to use a 2ch balanced/unbalanced converter box installed next to the integrated and run balanced the 12ft from my phono stage. They do these type of converters for Mic's and other equipment in their studio and at live concerts with much success.

Although I have not sourced a component or DIY for the bal/unbal converter yet, I'm guessing this should work like a charm and be virtually (induced) noise free.
I can report back in a few weeks when I've got it sorted.
Cheers & Good luck.

Your post is fully within the topic.

I believe that if one end of a XLR wire is converted to RCA, it behaves as an unbalanced connection. To get the benefits of a balanced connection all components in the chain must be balanced.