AMR PH-77, ARC Reference 2, Allnic H-3000, Octave


I want to change my Phonostage, i have the Tom Evans Groove+ Srx, i tried the Octave Phono Module and it was better. But i´m also interested in the other 3 above mentioned, specially in the AMR. Has anybody compared the AMR with the ARC or the Allnic or the Octave?

Many thanks.
I've not had extensive experience with the other options you listed, but I did have an Allnic H-3000 here for about 9 months. I really liked it, and hope one day to compare it to the ARC Reference Phono 2SE.
One of my customers who had been considering the Ref Phono 2 purchased the AMR PH-77 and is very happy. It replaced his original ARC Ref Phono.
The octave Phono Module i tried was very good too. The dynamics impressed me but it didn't attacked me. That was very good. It was very transparent and with a lot details. But sometimes it was to transparent for me. I like it more when i can touch it, maybe more hollographic is the right word. But in all reviews i've read they don't give good dynamics to the AMR. That would be very important to know.
I really like my Allnic H3000. I have no experience with the others you listed. I think alot will depend on how it matches up with the rest of your gear and taste. I had the Pass XP-25 in my system for a month before I bought the Allnic. While there was alot I liked about the Pass it was too agressive in my system.

can you ask your customer about dynamics, detail and more how the AMR sounds?
And if he heard the ARC Ref2

Many thanks