Dynavector XV-1s vs. Transfiguration Temper w

Anyone listened to these cartridges in their system. Could you discribe any differences. I have a Basis 2200 Signature w/ a Vector 4 arm and XV-1s cart. Phono pre is a Aesthetix Rhea Signature. Thanks, Greg
I agree. The XV1s and XV1t are not slow. In fact, I would hardly call anything at that price point slow, not even the upper end Koetsu's.

However, when you hit these points it is more a matter of balance and flavor within your system. To me, the XV1 is overly neutral. For my money I want something much more musically enjoyable (I do have a very resolving system) and I find Transfiguration to fit that bill.

To go farther astray the ZYX and Ortophons tend to be farther to the lean side of the XV1 IMO.
Hi Unoear.

No, I meant system balance. We all try to create a system that suits our own listening bias and musical taste.
To others this balance will be lean, neutral, warm, perfect and probably every other combination in between.

I would generally agree on the assessment of the XV-1S as slow and anemic - at least in my system. I have had a number of cartridges in similar systems including the aforementioned Dynavector as well as the Zyx UNIverse and Ortofon MC A90 and I can tell you that, at least in my system with my ears, the Dynavector was not in the same class as either of the other two.

Have also heard the latest Benz LPS in a similar system and it also easily bested the Dynavector.

I'm a huge fan of Dynavector's more modestly-priced cartridges, especially the DV20x, but I think their top level models lag behind many of the rest.

IMO, YMMV, etc, etc

If you have the tracking and other issues you related below, perhaps it is not the XV-1s that is deficient. I personally have never had any of these issues you describe on all your tables.

BTW, I have never heard the XV-1 sound particularly good when used with SUT's. Wth dyna carts I agree with Raul and active phono stages are a lot better. That is why dyna made an active head amp and not a SUT- to get the best out of their carts.

To be more precise, I've had Avid Volvere and Oracle Delphi V and VI tables, 2 SME Vs, one Graham Phantom, and multiple cartridges including Benz Ruby, Zyx UNIverse, Dynavector XV-1s and Ortofon MC A90. In every case I have had EXACTLY the same issues you are describing - with the added caveat that some of the combos gave me tracking issues in the right channel. With my current set-up (Delphi VI, Phantom and A90) I seem to be getting the best overall tracking performance but only with more than max antiskating and the DIN connector rotated all the way counterclockwise. All in all, skipping in the lead-in groove was worst with the XV-1s (the issue you're having) and tracking was worst with the UNIverse - the issue always appearing to be related to excessive skating force causing skipping ahead or mistracking.
Just FYI, Dynavector just came out w/ a new SUT. It is called the Sup-200, and retails for $2,650 US.