Moving VPI TNT, Wheaton Triplanar, Transfiguration

I'm moving my VPI TNT, Wheaton Triplanar, and Transfiguration Phoenix across country using a moving company (insured as 'high value item' for full replacement value). The moving company is going to crate the turntable, but I'm not sure whether to dismount the cartridge and/or tonearm. I would prefer not to have to start the setup from scratch when I arrive, as everything is set up well now. But, it's certainly not worth risking damaging anything in the move. I'm thinking the best thing may be to remove the tonearm either totally from the table, or along with the removeable armboard, and leave the cartridge attached to the tonearm, transporting those parts together, but separately from the table. I'm concerned that the bearings/other parts of the tonearm might be stressed if left on the table. I thought I would also take the platter off to prevent wear on the bearing. I thought I would remove the feet and rubber balls that support the table, and pad the table as carefully as I can. I have the original packaging cushions for the table but the box is in no shape to travel. I also have the original boxes for the tonearm, cartridge, and motor, with all the foam, etc. Any advice would be appreciated.
What do people do when transporting tables to shows? I wouldn't think they would completely disassemble/reassemble them, but I'm sure it's a more controlled environment.
We show with Triplanar arms at shows a lot.

In all cases, the arm arrives at the show in its own shipping container. We install the arm on the 'table and the cartridge on the arm at the show. There is no other way to do it where you can be guaranteed of no damage. At a show if something is damaged it could ruin the show, insurance or not.

Fortunately the Triplanar is one of the easiest setups of any arm made. Its only held to the plinth by three screws, and if that part is already sorted out it really will not be that long before you are up and running fine.
Thanks for all the advice! I think I will use the 'Frogman method' for the table, and the more I think about it the more I realize I can't take any risk on the arm or cartridge. Therefore, as Atmasphere says "...There is no other way to do it where you can be guaranteed of no damage..." I will bite the bullet and take the tonearm and cartridge separately. I don't know if I can take them on the plane with me though...any thoughts? I guess I could ship them separately as well.
Box it well, pad it, whatever you need to do to be sure it will get to the destination in one piece. Same with the cartridge. I wouldn't advise trying to get any of this thru security. They'll take one look at the arm and think it is a weapon. Insure it for replacement value and ship overnight so it doesn't have long time in transit. Regardless of the carrier, the longer they have it the more they will kick it around. I know since I was in traffic management for a long time. Take atmosphere's advice and set it up in your new home.
I don't know if I can take them on the plane with me though...any thoughts?

I took an ET2 tonearm on a plane with me about 5 years ago. They opened the box, looked at it, looked at me very suspiciously, and said, "what is it?" I told them what it was, they closed the box, and kindly gave it back to me to carry on.

I also carried an MC-225 (McIntosh tube amp) on a plane, also about 5 years ago. It was in a really shady looking cardboard box with duct tape ALL over it and they never even opened it. I guess it looked too low tech in the X-ray to even worry about!
The Triplanar comes in a very nice shipping box, which you can safely run through baggage handling, or even ship UPS.