Raven AC3

I am considering this table. Would love to hear from owners, current/long term. Some threads refer to the table as colored/dark - others refute. Do you think this is set-up driven or truly a reflection of the table?
I agree with Wrm57. This thread is about the Raven AC3.

I've heard it in the distributor's room at two audio shows. It sounded dark and and less than neutral to me each time. However, this may have been the tube electronics and horn speakers. In other words, the set up. An audio buddy has the Raven One (I believe) with Wilson Sashas and Lamm electronics and his system does not sound dark at all.

I think the Raven would benefit from isolation on a Vibraplane or other serious isolation platform.
I dont have a AC but a Raven One with a Kuzma 4point tonearm and the sound is nothing but dark.

But it is important that you place it on a hard surface. I have mine on a plate made of slate.
I dont have a AC but a Raven One with a Kuzma 4point tonearm and the sound is nothing but dark.

But it is important that you place it on a hard surface. I have mine on a plate made of slate.

Dear WRM57 the gentleman is questioning if he should purchase a Raven or not? Therefore it is not rude to mention other tables.

If I was that gentleman I would gladly welcome any information on other products that I might want to consider.

You guys should get off your dealer is a bad guy soap box and consider the facts that a dealer has way more experience than most of the posters on these sites, and in most situations their is no real sales motive, as many perspective clients are not in the same part of the country which would make a direct sale impossible or there may be another dealer that would be servicing that part of the country.

Consider if you are actually shopping for anything the best way of gathering information is to talk to a whole group of people and do a lot of research and if possible experience the product for yourself.

I have been doing this professionally for over 25 years and in that time I have discovered many products that became audio all stars many from different emerging new companies.

I look at design rather than hype, and I can tell you that invariably a better design will usually lead to a better sounding product.

Way too many audiogoners are too dogmatic to even consider looking at anything else than what they are inquiring about.

New products are always coming into the market and a good dealer will always look at these new products to see if it is possible to offer better performance to their clients instead of towing the same old line.

I am not saying the Raven isn't a great table, what I was pointing out is that there are a couple of radical new tables that this gentleman may want to consider, that may offer more performance for the same money or for less money.

The Merrill isn't pretty in pictures but looks great in person, it is the best sounding table I have every heard for a reasonable amount of money it is scary good, and I have sold and setup most of the major tables out there.

It is not possible to compare anything to a Raven as Raven is sold direct by one man who does not believe in sharing his line with dealers, this is a total mistake as it limits the possibility of people being able to hear the table across the country, if that was the case I would have gotten a Raven years ago and then I could easily tell you if these other tables are way better or not.
I have owned a AC 1 in various avtars for close to 2.5 years. To the OPs query is it dark sounding, most emphatically not IME.As Halcro rightly points out you can tweak a TT to optimise its sound in various ways, record clamp, mat, isolation etc.If by dark sounding you mean that the highs are muted or rolled over, its possible to achieve that with the TW by placing rubber dampers under the feet, as I discovered. I had my tone arm, a Talea 2,initially mounted on a wooden armboard. Switching to the TW supplied SS arm mount has led to clearer and cleaner definition of notes almost as if the TT has picked up speed.
I am somewhat sceptical of generalisations, particularly in respect of TTs, that a particular model or brand is bright/dark sounding, given the large variables at play. For example, when you demo a TT at a dealers what is the likelihood of the cart being precisely aligned with a Mint tractor or equivalent ?
The TW AC is one of the truly outatanding TTs available today. I am not saying its the best because there is no such thing. Having heard a pile of different TT setups at the Adelphi in Singapore over the years, I can say that the TW is among the handful of must audition TTs for anyone contemplating a TT at this price point.
As an aside, if you do go the AC3 route, you may like to consider, the TW BN single 3 motor unit as against the 3 separate motors of the AC unit. I am not sure but I suspect that there is not much of a price difference if you order it as a package. Additionall, the battery powered PSU does lower the noise floor though I suspect this is of a lesser magnitude in terms of improvements as the unit runs, at least IME, for less than 4 hrs on battery power before switching to the mains.
All the best in your vinyl journey