Miyabi 47 cartridge: How many hours does it last ?

I have an opportunity to buy a used Miyabi47 cartridge. What is the typical life expectancy of this cart, considering it is well maintained ? How many hours does it really sing without any significant deterioration ?

I remember reading somewhere it only does 1000 hours before starting to lose its magic :(. Is it true ?
Given that cartridges like this are more or less hand made and must have a degree of variability in construction and usage and associated gear will vary so much I doubt if just having the approximate usage time would tell you much. I have seldom or never worn out a cartridge but then I don't do speed dating either; the magic is all in your ear. Given a well constructed stylus and cantilever it SHOULD last longer than this but only you could judge.
I got the Krell KC 100 which is identical with Miyabi Standard. Looks like new to me while this cart is from the 80is. Like Stanwal I have never worn out any stylus so far. I assume that the cantilever/stylus by Miyabi 47 is the same or similar to that of the Standard? Well if that is true I have a good news for you. Axel's pressure fitted line contact in aluminum cantilever retip is nearly identical to Miyabi Standard. Cost +/- 190 Euro.
Thanks for the input.

From what I remember reading, the Miyabi 47 cart starts to
lose the bounce in the music past 1000 hours and it is not
exactly the tip which gets worn out as much as the cantilever
which loses some of its properties. If that is the case then
where do we go ? Or could it be a one off case ?
Hi Pani, Takeda also made his Standard for Levinson (Cello)
so depending on what you need to pay for the 47 you can also
look if you can find the mentioned Krell or Cello.
I have never heard any complaint about the Standard.