Re-tipped cartridges

What is the general consensus of a cartridge that has been re-tipped and rewound? I have read that some re-tipped carts are better than the original, depending on what materials were used.
I know someone who sent a Benz to be retipped. Retipper replied no wear, but diamond mounted askew ex factory. Retipper remounted the factory diamond - now sounds better than new.
Re the work involved - I cant see how it is easier to change cantilever and diamond vs the diamond only. I have seen the Garrott Bros at work - Brian could remove a diamond and replace it in about 15-20 seconds. There is no way you could do a complete cantilever/diamond in this time. The only caveat with replacing diamonds is the risk of fracturing boron/beryllium/ruby cantilevers.
The 'retip' in the past consisted in replacing the stylus only. The quality was dependant of the 'quality' of the master or his craftmanship. Since the manufacturers produce the cantilevers with styli already fitted the 'retip' become the substitution of the old cantilever/ stylus combo with the new one. This work is more easy to do and is consequently cheaper. The real question is this: how much glue is used in both alternatives? Or, to put this question otherwise, is the stylus better fitted by
the manufacturer or the cart repair service? Then the added question is which repair service can or will do this job and at what cost.
Dover's story imply that by the so called 'exotic' cantilevers the retipper need to use small diamonds and more glue in order to prevent 'fracturing' of the cantilever. But between this diamond and the cantilever there is glue and hardly direct contact between them.
As J. Carr explained in this thread the advantage of aluminum cantilever is exactly 'there'. The stylus can be pressure fitted without any glue.

i had my lyra argo i done recently as a retip, it cost $450 compared to the $350 for the ruby cantilever, diamond tip. i wanted to hear what a lyra sounded like in my system. answer: pretty good.