Turntable Choices

Hi all, I'm looking to get a new (to me) turntable and these are my choices: Oracle Delphi MK2, VPI Traveler, VPI HW-19 MK3, and a Linn LP12. I'm leaning twords the Oracle but, what are your thoughts? Thanks in advance.
I have owned a number of Oracle delphis over the years, and have never had a motor or power supply fail, so it thats the weak point, you have a pretty good table.
I would still opt for the Traveler- its got great reviews, its simple, it has an upgrade path, its new. If you have issues, you will be protected via warranty.
Since we haven't had one yet, I'll cast my vote for the venerable Linn LP-12 with Ittok arm.

Out of fashion at the moment, it can be purchased for a keen price. There is plenty of support for the turntable and upgrades are available from the shockingly inexpensive to the usurious. Oh, and did I mention, it sounds cracking good?

And yes, maintenance will be much greater than a Traveler but, after all, it is a hobby, isn't it? Of course, it's been around, in one form, or another, since the 1970s. How many of today's new models will be here in the 2050s?

Very few things in audio have stood the test of time, improved through refinement and genuine engineering prowess. Now is the right moment to buy - dare I use the overworked word - a true classic.
Add the Well Tempered Amadeus to your list. Listen to one at your own peril.

Interesting list of contenders. Have not heard the Traveler but be aware that the other three have very different sonic signatures (I have owned all three) which make proclamations of which is "better" irrelevant, IMO. If I HAD to rate them, I would rate them as just about equal overall? But, what kind of sound are you looking for? What will complement your system better? Fuller and warmer, or leaner with more clarity? Controlled or very energetic? And last, but certainly not least, what arm are you putting on it? Then, you can decide which is "better".