Upgrading cartridge used or new?

I am in process to upgrade my analog setup starting from replacing my DV 10x5 with an step up one from DV or other make.
My TT rega P5.

On my journey I had hear mixed things about buying used, a much better cartridge or just pay same amount for a brand new lower end one.

Some dealers said you never know the history of a used cartridge, so you must believe the always magic # from the seller of 100 hours on it, plus vinyls condition that was expose to, etc.

While the new even if lower end is a solid secure step.

I would like to hear your exp about buying cartridges on used market.

As always must appreciate all your time to share your comments.

01-13-13: Swampwalker
'Middle ground- buy used cart from dealer who has excellent feedback.'
That was one criteria I had when I bought a Dyna 17D3 recently..It`s not panning out well at all.

01-13-13: Acman3
'....I would not buy any cartridge, new or used, without being able to return it if defective.'
In my case the seller (DEALER) claims that the cartridge was PERFECT when it was sent out so therefore I must have damaged it and he considers the sale FINAL.

01-13-13: Thommas
An honest seller, would reimburse you, if not satisfied.
Hmmm define HONEST ! I`ve sent an email out to him to see if he`ll work with me on making it right, even offering to apply the purchase toward another used cartridge...No response as of yet.

I have bought used cartridges in the past too as have others here and up until this deal have been very satisfied.
This purchase btw was from a respected high profile member/DEALER of this site and others like it.
Never ever expected this..caught me by surprise I`ll say that much.
This is my contribution to a thread that like I said couldn`t have come at a better time.

And...I wish Audiogon would allow pics..unless I`m overlooking something here.
But if interested, have a peek at the pics over on AA..might just save you some grief in the future !

Steve- Bummer. Have you thought about posting a dispute, which would reveal the name of the other party to the public?
Steve I started this thread with no idea it will turn in such debate about cartridge purchasing strategies and experiences.
You have made lots of contribution,
Mountainsong, just like every other question in this hobby, or even in life, you will never get a clear cut consensus answer. Too many varied experiences. It's a gamble, like with most things in life, the question is, is it worth the risk to you? Others can say whether or not the risk is worthwhile to them, but only you can determine if the risk is worthwhile to you.

Buying used is a higher risk, higher reward alternative to buying new. As with any investment, some will love the high risk, high reward option, while others will not. It all comes down to one question: Do you feel lucky? Well do ya punk?

LOL! Sorry for channeling my inner Clint Eastwood.

Hey, buying is a risk. I just bought some used speaker cables that arrived DOA. I've also had new gear have problems too, though usually there is a warranty with new. That's life in the big city.
I've taken the risk 5 times now on used cartridges here on Audiogon, over the past 3 years -- Benz's and Koetsus; not cheap endeavors. Also bought a few used from local friends. And bought a couple new from an authorized dealer. All turned out to be extremely nice cartridges! And of course I've sold some of my used cartridges, that I know for a fact were very very nice. I love trying cartridges! They have more impact on system sound than any other component besides speakers, and they're a hell of a lot easier to ship & install (I'm not into small speakers). I wouldn't have done this experimentation if my only option were to pay a dealer the new-cartridge prices.

Most audigon sellers/buyers are honest, and I've been banking on that. You do have to mentally run though the scenario of: "what if I get nothing in return for this purchase". If you're not able to deal with that possibility, then don't buy used. If you want to try a number of cartridges in your system over time, then clearly the used route should work out heavily to your favor.