Freezer Cryoed Cables...

Hi all, you can get about the effect as Cryoed treatments by putting your cables or components in the Freezer for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator for one or two hours.........this REALLY works!!! Try this with the cables you have now.......Try this for yourself and see if you "hear a difference"............Richard
Hey Norbert,

You have a problem with Taiwan? I'd let you know that I am from Taiwan, and the stereo equipment made in Taiwan are crap. But you didn't have to point it out and hurt my nationalistic pride!

Really, eventhough molecular structure in metal doesn't change at normal freezing point, metal is maleable and would respond physically to changes in tempurature.

I've said this before and I will say it again. We need an audiophile subzero fridge to store all our stereo and software. Not only will it keep things frozen, but the fridge can shield the system from airborn interference.

BTW, did anyone see this Japanese drama where this lady cut her husband's head off and store it in her freezer? She was later caught cuz the neighbors got curious as they can hear her fighting with her husband everynight, yet her husband had been missing for months. Turns out the husband had an affair... so she made sure he couldn't do it again.
Nahhh Ed, but I saw the one where the Japanese prostitute cut off her lovers schweeenn and carried it in her hand around town.

Whooa. I just involuntarily flinched.

Gs5556, my apprehension revolves around the possible damage this experiment might result in. Especially coming from someone new to the forum. Now if it were Sean suggesting this, I wouldn't be reacting this way. And I agree, some of the unmeasured improvements or sonic changes we perceive with tweaks may be psychological. Us car enthusiasts like to refer to this as the Butt-Dyno. :•)
Hi all, this Freezer tweak works and it WILL NOT DAMAGE your components if you do it the right way..........This is a great TWEAK and its FREE!........Give it a will thank me for telling you about this GREAT TWEAK when you try it!!!.........Richard
Good to hear from you, Gunbei. Actually I was going to cry-o the guitar but at the least minute I cryo'd my wife instead. Very expensive, but well worth it. She sits lovingly next to me when I'm doing some serious listening.(It's been a couple of weeks now and there's a foul odor coming from her. I think I waited too long to put her in the freezer for her 48 hour re-freeze. No more nagging,though.. Speaking of nagging, that reminded me of a joke: A guy asked me if my wife was a nagger. I said' " No, she's a white girl."
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