Freezer Cryoed Cables...

Hi all, you can get about the effect as Cryoed treatments by putting your cables or components in the Freezer for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator for one or two hours.........this REALLY works!!! Try this with the cables you have now.......Try this for yourself and see if you "hear a difference"............Richard
Good to hear from you, Gunbei. Actually I was going to cry-o the guitar but at the least minute I cryo'd my wife instead. Very expensive, but well worth it. She sits lovingly next to me when I'm doing some serious listening.(It's been a couple of weeks now and there's a foul odor coming from her. I think I waited too long to put her in the freezer for her 48 hour re-freeze. No more nagging,though.. Speaking of nagging, that reminded me of a joke: A guy asked me if my wife was a nagger. I said' " No, she's a white girl."
Whoa, Sherod, dangerously close to the edge...

Cryoing my hip boots makes wading through the BS much easier.
Damn, looks like i already missed out on all the fun! Where the hell was i? Oh Yeah, thats right, i was getting played like a chump by this chick i recently met at the bar and hanging out with this dude i met with a skull tattooed on the back of his head. What a night.

Ya know, it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling when people tell me to knock it off and i aint even posted in the thread yet! Obviously my reputation is starting to preceed me. ;)

Come on everyone, without the likes of us this place would be a lot less entertaining. :)
SLAPPY, you got slapped again? Didn't you just have a nasty split-up a few months ago? It COULD have been worse if you got stinkin' drunk, and woke up the following morning with the tattooed DUDE in your bed, and got caught by his parole officer!
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