sonic signature of Pure Note Paragon Question

I just got a set of cables tonite , brand new. This is a first impression but i am alarmed . The entire system is Paragon . They are dry , lacking in air , have little bass and have little timbral richness. They seem to be hyper accurate however with good depth and focus. For owners who have had them a for some time , what characteristics will change and how will they end up changing / sounding ? Thanks !!
Not a Cardas cable for sure, that is very rich and heavy. I had to put many hours on the Paragons before they bloomed, but not uncommon for occ silver cables. After about 300 hours the balance was perfect. My acid test is percussion and these cables excel in that area. Listen to the stage as it will be free of hash and bloat (common to other cables) with sharp instrumental focus.

What brand are your old cables? As I have learned, system matching is important. I think the Pure Note cables also reveal more from your gear (good and bad) and poorly mastered recordings. This is where the Cardas does a good job in masking the defects.
Ok , 24 hours into it and they have opened up a bit. Still , they are lacking in midbass strength and timbral accuracy but detail is very good , even now. A touch bright and uncontrolled in the top octave but depth is still good and improving. Seems to have widened slightly. BTC , they replaced Nordost SPM s . System is Pipedream 21 , Condad johnson Act 2 and premier 350 . Apl Denon 3910 and Valhalla speaker cables with Elrod Statement and Sig series pcs round out system btw. I contacted co and was told 200 hours before they level out . 30 day trial period and i am racing against the clock on these! any other experience is appreciated. Thanks for the comments so far.
Brainwater, you appear to be in an experimental mood. I recently replaced a pair of Audience Au24 interconnects with another brand that are at the same price point as the Paragons. Solid core 99.999% pure silver. Teflon. Air dialectric. WBT Nextgen silver connectors. Email me for details if you're interested.
Brainwater: Do not attempt to evaluate anything in 24 hours. IME cables, speakers, and electronics require a few hundred hours. My Siltech G5's took forever to break-in (800 hours). Also, how is 200 hours "racing against the clock?"
Rch 10 , what i was referring to was the 30 day money back policy . Getting 300 real time playing in in a month is steady getting it , I am aware of break in of course . Im just interested in others experience with them and what changes will occur over time. The first impression was alarming . Grant i am indeed in an experimental mode and dont really want to spend 12,000.00 on Dominus which is what I was leaning toward so i am trying these for an experiment . I will e you....