sonic signature of Pure Note Paragon Question

I just got a set of cables tonite , brand new. This is a first impression but i am alarmed . The entire system is Paragon . They are dry , lacking in air , have little bass and have little timbral richness. They seem to be hyper accurate however with good depth and focus. For owners who have had them a for some time , what characteristics will change and how will they end up changing / sounding ? Thanks !!
I have gone thru multiple iterations of speaker cables, and i/c's. Audioquest Midnight, Bedrock, Jaguars, Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref 2, Hologram, PS Audio Statements, and Transparent supers. Finally ran across a pair of Pure Note Signature speaker cables (thanks Randy). These were the most "real" speaker cables I ever heard. I'm not into music which has artificial overtones. I want to hear what I perceive to be the actual recordings. I was fortunate enough to obtain multiple sets of Paragon i/c's and a Pair of Paragon speaker cables at what I consider a steal from other Audiogon members. How does $150-175/pair sound for interconnects which have been compared to those selling for thousands?

My only guess is that some are not willing to go thru the break in phase. Now I'm running Paragons thruout and am not planning on ever changing. Could not recommend the Pure Note products any more than that.
Sherod , I like the Paragons finally after a rediculous , tumultuous break in period in which I nearly lost all confidence in the forums .Both here and Audio Aslyum had members that touting it the next giant killer. They were nice for the money but to compare them to the Valhalla is well... not a comparison . I sold all but one pair that I keep when I loan out my reference. They are however a good value and I suggest them to people often who are looking for a fast cable in this price range.
Reading this thread, Brainwater owned the original Paragons which were much harder to my ears. The "enhanced version" introduced last July uses ribbon wire instead or the original round wire according to Tim at Pure Note. Sonically these are much more liquid, IMO. As far as break-in, every silver cable I have owned needed at least 100 hours with the sonics changing over time.
Eddycale , this is correct. The Enhanced version was released just days after I recieved my Paragons. I was in touch with the company and was not appraised of the upgrade forthcoming.
As a Pure Note Cerulean owner, the version before Paragon, I was under the impression Cerulean was the first Pure Note to use ribbon conductors vs. round solid core used in the older wires. I read this on the Pure Note web site.

Difference between Cerulean and Paragon is dielectric material, Paragon has slightly lower capacitance. Result is lower background noise according to Tim. Not sure what changed on Enhanced version.

Even with Cerulean, Pure Note is an exceptional cable and competes with just about anything out there regardless of cost.