WBT vs Eichmann

Are Eichmann better ?
I like the Eichmann Silver Bullets on my Signal Cable Silver Resolution RCA's. I damaged an RCA jack and amplifier with locking barrels that clamped down so tight it was a wrestling match getting them off.
i have been told that WBT sounds more brittle, delicate, frail compared to Eichmann .And with less detail in highs.

So to me it sounds Eichmann is the way to go.
I can't corroborate what you've been told, Grissleham, regarding the sound of the WBT Nextgen connectors being brittle, and with less detail in the highs. I currently own a pair of Revelation Audio Paradise interconnects that use the WBT Nextgen, and those interconnects have none of the qualities you describe. In fact, they're the best silver ICs I've heard in my system. However, I still pefer the Eichmann Silver Bullets from the standpoint of ease-of-use...and, they sound terrific, too.
I purchased the WBT Nextgen connector with the VH Audio Pulsar digital cable and it exhibits no brittleness at all. I do agree that the ease-of-use of WBTs leaves something to be desired, but I'll live with it for now.
I agree with Tvad. It really depends on how one make the cable and terminate the cable properly. I prefer Eichmann Silver Bullet over the copper version because it sounded more open, smoother overall and less harsh in the high frequency. As far as Nextgen goes, never tried them ( since I'm already satisfied with Eichmann silver bullet for lower price) but I do own WBT 0201Es and binding posts and they're superb with imaging and overall balance.
The best part about WBTs is its unmatched build quality.