Speltz Anti-cable needs break-in period?

I received a pair of Anti-cables a few days ago, and I have been using it for about 10 hours now.

It's obviously less bass, less soundstage, and a bit harsher sound while many ppl say anti-cables sound awesome right from the box.

What do you guys think?
I used transparent music link before.

I hope it gets better soon..
Late in the game for posting to this thread, but I wonder if anybody above who found the Anti-Cables a bit light in the loafers used them untwisted (i.e., spaced apart), which as I understand the electrical theory of the situation could make individual-lead speaker cables such as these sound weaker in the bass. (I haven't tried the Anti-Cables myself, but do own Au24.)
With my Von Schweikert VR-4JRs, I use the Speltz anti-cables. I have tried twisted and untwisted and found the bass more defined and quicker using untwisted. I also thought the extreme highs were more natural. I have gone back and forth and now prefer the untwisted, and will keep them that way. I am now a believer in solid core wire. It would take a very refined system to appreciate the difference between manufacturers of solid copper, but at these prices most people could buy both and use the ones they liked the best.
I have a rather short distance between my monoblocks and the speakers, only about 24 inches. I have spaced them as widely as possible from each other until of course they terminate. Most of the distance they are about 4-6 inches apart to each module. The VR4JRs have a top and bottom module, so they are bi-wired. This splits the wires even more, but of course separating the positive and negative to each module is the point.
the speltz interconnect and speaker cables need a minimum of 300 hours and preferably 500 hours before critical evaluation.

i have the speaker cable and 2 pair of interconnect cables with bullet plugs.

since the cable has virtually no dielectric, the cables need a re-breaking in whenever they are moved from one link to another.

thus, if you lend your friend a pair of speaker cables and interconnects, he/she needs to put around 200 hours before critical listening.