Blue Circle Music Bar - Anyone use them?

I was looking at the Blue Circle Music bar with surge protection/line conditioning and their upgraded power cord for $399 and was wondering if anyone could give me any feedback. Are there any other products I should look at at that price point?


I purchased a music bar a few months ago to use in me dedicated home theater and music system.

It did lower the noise floor and made the whole system more quiet, increasing the dynamic range.

I plugged my DVD/CD/SSP/TV into this which in turn run into a PS Audio P1200, then to a PS Audio UO, and then to an FIM outlet and to the wall. Even with all this power conditioning the music bar made a significant and worthwhile improvement. This is especially true given its reasonable price.

A great product. The only noise that it did not get rid of was the crap coming from the dimmer. I had to switch those out. Give it a try.
I bought this off an online seller a few months ago. It made a difference right away. These things are always iffy because their are so many intangibles. I upgraded my Power cable to the BC62 a few weeks later, and switched out the hospital cord they give you. Again, another noticeable difference.
The local shop keeps pushing the Monster HTS 2500 - it's the same price as the Blue Circle Music Bar with an upgraded power cord. I'm leaning toward the Blue Circle. Has anyone tried the Monster HTS 2500?

