Silver vs Copper cables

I've been reading the forums and noticed a few comments that silver made ic's and speaker cables sound better with solid state equipment. Would this mean copper cables sound better with tubes? Why is this? Thanks.
Brianmgrarcom (and any others who have the expertise), You have referred to some folks using cables as tone controls as opposed to seeking something else, I assume you are referring to neutrallity and transparency/resolution.

Can you identify a set of cables that are neutral, transparent and don't get in the way of attainable resolution without regard to the speakers and the amps its to be used with. A benchmark, so to speak, with out regard to the application.

Don't get me wrong, I clearly hear differences between cables, silver and copper, but how much of the differences that I hear are due to synergy as opposed to something absolute in the construction of and materiel used in a cable which can be specifically identified.

And, if it is truly synergy, how can anyone draw any conclusion about the nature of a cable without knowing its application.

I'm so confused by all of this........
I guess I am foolish and silly.

You're not foolish or silly, you just believe that your favorite flavor is everyone else's favorite flavor too.

(For the record, I don't care what the make up is, simply the results.)

Now you're getting it. There is no absolute reality, only perceived realities. When listening to the same live recording, two individuals may very well have differing views on the presentation. We are all different. The equipment is different, and cables are different. There is no right or wrong. It all boils down to trying to find cables that make you happy with your equipment, that's all. There are no absolutes.


"Clio09 above is mentoring me a bit as he has much more experience than I owning and auditioning IC's."

Thanks, for the compliment, not sure how good a mentor I'll turn out to be though. I am definitely interested in hearing your impression of the Reality Cables (especially on the 900 as mine should be getting to me soon). I heard both the ICs and speaker cables in the Reimer room at RMAF last fall. Greg Staley was there as well and is a really great person to talk to. I haven't had the time to pull the trigger on these myself, but I may have an opening coming up after I try out the Creative Cable Concepts ICs.

Oh, BTW Grasshopper, you may want to check those cables out as well as they are offered by Essential Audio in Chicago which should be near you.

My perceived reality is that Roselyn Sanchez thinks I'm the hottest guy on earth. If you'll excuse me, it's time for my daily shock treatment.


Be sure the rubber mouthpiece is ALL THE WAY IN before the current is applied...that's the secret to having a great ECT and beautiful dental work all at once!