Silver vs Copper cables

I've been reading the forums and noticed a few comments that silver made ic's and speaker cables sound better with solid state equipment. Would this mean copper cables sound better with tubes? Why is this? Thanks.

My perceived reality is that Roselyn Sanchez thinks I'm the hottest guy on earth. If you'll excuse me, it's time for my daily shock treatment.


Be sure the rubber mouthpiece is ALL THE WAY IN before the current is applied...that's the secret to having a great ECT and beautiful dental work all at once!
I don't know who the above imposters are (certainly not electrical engineers), but any real audiophile could tell you the difference in a sentence: Copper sounds more "coppery", silver sounds more "silvery". See? Right. Next, on to the sound of components with black-anodized aluminum faceplates vs. those with gold-anodized or natural-aluminum ones...
I must not speak (type) clearly. From the outset my point has been this, I don't believe copper or silver cables need to be put in their own "box", ie. silver does this and copper does that.

John, you are accusing me of things that are just not true. I have never said that what I like is the only way. I am just not sure of your flavoring system.

Newbee, as far as tone controls, I am saying I do not believe in telling someone they have to tone down their system by using copper cables. I guess I'd rather go another route than mask the problem. BUT, as I said before, if one is happy, that is all that matters, and I mean that when I say it, I am not being smart.