DCCA powerchords VS Elrod statement powerchords ?

DCCA powerchords VS Elrod statement powerchords ?
Which one is better ?
which one has more bass extension ?
which one is brighter ?
which one has more 3-D ?
Which soundstage is wider & deeper ?
i recently reviewed dcca cables. i can say categorically, since this issue arises frequently, that one cable is not better than another. one cable is different than another. if one prefers one cable over another, it becomes a personal choice which is an opinion.

from my experience, i did not notice any excess energy in the reange 1000 to 3000 hz--the brightness region, on my stereo system.

it is best that you compare both cables in your own stereo system, in order to answer the questions you raise.

you can sample the dcca cables on a trial basis, but i am not sure if you have such an option with the elrod cables.
Mr. Tennis,
Having recently gone through this, I do not think the DCCA PCs are available for audition.
Rja,yes they are available for audition.And Don is willing
to walk extra mile to make you happy.He is a very very nice
I purchased a PC from Don which I like very much. However, he was very explicit about no auditioning of his cables. This is just my experience, yours may vary.
I have changed my policy with lending out power cords for in-home auditions. For a while I had completely stop due to the cost. Now I limit the amount of power cords I send out. Sending out 20 or 30 power cords at the same time gets pretty costly! I like to try and work with everybody, but I can not let things get out of control. We are a very small company trying to offer a good product and that costs money. Don DCCA Audio