DCCA powerchords VS Elrod statement powerchords ?

DCCA powerchords VS Elrod statement powerchords ?
Which one is better ?
which one has more bass extension ?
which one is brighter ?
which one has more 3-D ?
Which soundstage is wider & deeper ?
Rja,yes they are available for audition.And Don is willing
to walk extra mile to make you happy.He is a very very nice
I purchased a PC from Don which I like very much. However, he was very explicit about no auditioning of his cables. This is just my experience, yours may vary.
I have changed my policy with lending out power cords for in-home auditions. For a while I had completely stop due to the cost. Now I limit the amount of power cords I send out. Sending out 20 or 30 power cords at the same time gets pretty costly! I like to try and work with everybody, but I can not let things get out of control. We are a very small company trying to offer a good product and that costs money. Don DCCA Audio
Rademaker, not sure about DCCA vs Elrod, but a DCCA the "Source" power cord is currently breaking-in in my system hooked up to my cd player. I just got it today. So far like it a lot.