Home made cable lifters.

I was wondering if any of the a`gon members have come up with an inexpensive and effective way to get these things off the deck.
If you live in New England,theres a shop in Erving,Mass.,that has hundreds of these insulators and are very cheap..I pick up a couple every time I am in the area.. If you need directions I can help.....
Great suggestions all. Thorman, I live in the Akron area and I`ll check local shops for old insulators. If I come up empty, there are other suggestions I`ll try. Thanks everybody!
I had been thinking of building the tripod as suggested above. However, instead of sitting the cable directly on the wood, I had thought of connecting a piece of teflon tape across the top of two of the legs. Sit the cable on the teflon tape.

Teflon generally is considered a great dielectric and in this case the cable will only be in contact with the teflon tape. Should provide an almost perfect isolation from vibration and electrical influences. Of course, this is all theory so YMMV.


furniture foam cut in pieces may have a dampening effect.

i also may use larger pieces under components as well.
>> For the absolute best cable/floor isolation, take fishing line and suspend them from the ceiling...You might start with a good clear monofilament or fluorocarbon line at 10lb test...Then try different line strengths and colors, and heights off the floor to get the best sound. Clear tends to sound the most transparent, and saturated colors sound darker.<<

Boy, I bet that's a very attractive setup. And who would have thought that clear line has a "transparent" sound and colored lines "sound darker"? Talk about LOL!

I appreciate all the laughs you guys provide, but sometimes you need to read the stuff you write - it is ludicrous, at best.
