Home made cable lifters.

I was wondering if any of the a`gon members have come up with an inexpensive and effective way to get these things off the deck.
I have an entire collection of the porcelain insulators. Put it together on ebay for the same kinds of prices Thorman mentioned. I like the glass ones even better. BUT shipping is expensive and a lot of them seem to break even with decent packing. Only problem is that they are a bit lower then I would like.
If you live in New England,theres a shop in Erving,Mass.,that has hundreds of these insulators and are very cheap..I pick up a couple every time I am in the area.. If you need directions I can help.....
Great suggestions all. Thorman, I live in the Akron area and I`ll check local shops for old insulators. If I come up empty, there are other suggestions I`ll try. Thanks everybody!
I had been thinking of building the tripod as suggested above. However, instead of sitting the cable directly on the wood, I had thought of connecting a piece of teflon tape across the top of two of the legs. Sit the cable on the teflon tape.

Teflon generally is considered a great dielectric and in this case the cable will only be in contact with the teflon tape. Should provide an almost perfect isolation from vibration and electrical influences. Of course, this is all theory so YMMV.


furniture foam cut in pieces may have a dampening effect.

i also may use larger pieces under components as well.