Weirdest Question asked when selling gear?

selling high end gear to often anal audiophiles often gets interesting. Wondering what are some of the strangest inquires youve received.
I was selling a guitar amp, and a guy had me tell him everything about it in great detail forever. Then says, thanks for the info 'cause I'm thinking about buying one for a lot less and now I know this is what I want. I was so mad at this guy. I remember this experience whenever I visit a dealer.
This wasn't a question but an e-mail regarding a power cord I was selling for 250.00 OBO.This cable was well worth this price and I later got close to this amount from another buyer,but this particular e-mailer says,"I'll pay you $50.00 cash". Well,am I supposed to be impressed enough to take the offer because it's real,cold,hard cash? I guess he trusts sending cash through the mail.Duuuhhh!?!?
No weird questions, but I had a buyer who wanted my VK-75. He asked plenty but talked real S-L-O-W. This drove me up, down and sideways along the wall. After going through this, I wouldn't hear from him for weeks then suddenly have to suffer all over again. After awhile, I told him to get lost as he was IRRATING.
Kinda nice revisiting this thread and seeing the names of some of our oldtimers.(Many mirroring my thoughts,exactly.) I guess this thread did turn into a pet-peevs kind of thing. Great place to vent, me thinks. In this hobby, many or most are moving up. A piece's age vs how many owners and the price being asked all need to be factored in. You could be buying a piece that had only one owner/ no service history/ and then have it die on you 2 months after the purchace. Anal and CHEAP can be a sad combination in a prospective buyer.
How about this post-sale question: "I don't like how it sounds. Are you willing to reverse the deal?"

Fancy this, it's an immaculate component, they buy it of free will, then contact you and ask to refund because it doesn't sound like they imagined!

Of course this was after he had asked the pre-sale question, "Do you think I'll like the sound of it?" I wasn't going to step into that one. I told him he had to make up his mind whether to take the chance and that I would not refund if there was were no mechanical/electronic issues.

He still called to request a refund due to how it sounded. He was slow in paying and tried several times to get the last $10 off. I agree wholeheartedly. Don't deal with a chintzy person. I think he changed his mind about expending the money and was trying to get it back.
Are these people really from planet Earth?

Had another guy want to know the dimensions of the speakers I was selling...because he needed to know where in the house to hide them from his wife! I'm surprised he didn't ask me to recommend hiding places!

I thought, Hey guy, that's YOUR issue; don't bring your dishonesty at home into my life.