Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Oh.. I also got my demo MIGs yesterday... but still haven't had a chance to start playing with them. Today I had laundry going and an afternoon apt and didn't want to do serious listening with all the dirty electronics running.
One additional comment on the MIGs. Tonight they were much, much better than five hours earlier. They sound stage was more plausible and the bass was more profound. Nothing else had been changed. Possibly they reveal the SR cables settling back once they have been disturbed. Or the MIGs break in???

Nobody will know what I'm talking about, but my H-Cat linestage has a control that is much like focusing a camera. I had to very substantially change its setting tonight from earlier today.

As totally implausible as the MIGs are, they certainly have a dramatic impact!

Which configurations did you end up preferring with your MIGs? I've just got the two sets in and ended up with them both in Ambient configuration. I'm going to let things settle and then play around with them again tomorrow. It's pretty easy to swap them in and out without having cables move once they are installed.

I think I'll try swapping the CDP to pinpoint and see how I like that.

I'm kicking myself for not getting 3 sets to demo.

I'm definitely buying two sets though, and going to demo a set on the amp.
Adwiegert. initially I tried everything in the pin-point position, but I moved the line stage back to ambient. The MIGs are changing so much that I think I am going to have to go back. If it is the cables protesting changes this may take a while.

I'm sad to tell you that you have something else you are going to have to buy from SR, the Galileo Universal Cable Cells for your speaker wires. I just got mine into the system about an hour ago. I don't know what they are going to be like tonight, but what they do is many magnitudes more than the MIGs already. The clarity, timbre of instruments, bass, namely all the attributes of the PowerCell further added to your sound. I am worn out tonight, but really thought of staying up listening so I could hear the improvement with each minute. It really wasn't easy putting these things on the Apex speaker wires. The Cells are light and the Apex stiff.
Tbg, can you give us a price for the Galileo Universal Cable Cells and the migs?

I am also curious how the migs are any different from
all the other isolation feet out there. They either
seem to increase sound staging and air at the expense
of diminished texture and added brightness, or the
other way around.