Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
MIG's are mental!

Just had a dem at the UK National Audio Show. It was great to see Elliott. But the MIG's! there amazing how can they do what they do?
Is anyone on this forum using the SR Tesla Vortex speaker cables in a bi-wire configuration and if so I would like to know your comments?
Maxwellssilverhammer, I must admit that at CES when I saw that they were going to be demonstrated on a StillPoints rack, I doubted that they would be very impressive, but I also knew that Denny would not do so were they not. Like everyone in the demonstration, I was very impressed.

Like you, I have no real understanding of why they would improve the sound., but I now have six sets. I also know that where you place them under a component makes a big difference. I do wonder if what is under them has any further impact, but I have not really tried to assess this.
I now have 5 sets of the Migs and shocked when I heard the 1st set under my CD player and just got better when more sets were added to the system. I've now found that going all pinpoint config gives me a more organic real type of sound with great focus.
I'm wondering has anyone placed Migs with 2 along the depth of the amp and one oppersite center position because my amps are one sided heavy due to the placement of the transformers.
Flashunlock, my H-Cat amp has its transformer on one side and I do put one MIG under it there.

I have found that on many components, I have to place MIGs to assure the balance of the component on them. I have light components and heavy SR pcs. This means that I have to put a MIG under the IEC mount or put support under the pc. The MIGs are slippery on purpose.

I have also found that slight changes in the placement can greatly enhance the benefit of the MIGs. Trial and error are your only recourse.

I agree with you about pinpoint orientation, but it took me a long time to come to this conclusion and your equipment has to be first rate.