Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Fplanner, did you give the stillpoints at least 2 days to settle in? Did you also have the risers? When I first installed them under my dac the sound was thin and not even listenable for 2 days. This may have something to do with the fairly light weight of my Dac. I also have a second set
without the risers and they are not as nearly as effective.

So, are you also saying that the migs increase the amount
of bass in your system. After I added the Hologram A I ended up with a little too much bass for my room and the
stillpoints cleaned this up with more control.

Besides the bass question I really need to know what the
migs do for vocal timbres and weather or not the migs
relax the highs or tilt them towards brightness. Just the
one set of stillpoints with risers eliminated a lot of glare
in my system.
I too used the mix of Stillpoints and the Cerabase but I'm now all MIG'ed up. A friend who also used the Cerabase was not convinced in what I've told him about the Mig's so he brought them along and did a A/B in my system because I've already sold them and was he shocked in the result of the Mig's.
"Relaxed" is not the right word for what the MIGs did to the highs in my system. A better word would be "released". No artificial "brightness". They in no way "increased" the amount of bass in my system, but merely let the bass that was always there come through in a cleaner, more organic manner.

The best thing to do is try them - everyone's system reacts differently to different additions and subtractions. There is really no other substitute and nobody but you will be able to tell what works for you. It will probably take a bit of experimenting with MIG positions - at least it did for me - before you find what works for you. As with the stillpoints, be sure to give them at least a few days to settle in before moving them. They may not work for you, but the only way to tell is to try them.

To be honest, I didn't think there would be any way they would outperform my Cerapucs. I was pleasantly surprised at being wrong. :-)
Scottmac62, at the RMAF StillPoints unveiled their new Ultra SS feet. I have them under my speakers now in place of the StillPoints Component Stands and they are far superior. They use what they call "new technology" which seems a big improvement. While I thought very highly of their Component Stand and Rack, I never was impressed with the original feet.
I have miggs between my SVS PB13 Ultra subwoofer and my 1.5 inch thick custom Parkawood Platform with coned bearing feet and you talk about bass, my processor sub volume is -12 out of (-15|15). the volume on the sub is at it's detent half.

Miggs also under Powercell 10SE & Oppo SE. The amount of bass is very balanced as my 5 channel Paradigm Signature S1's have only 5.25 midrange drivers.

Regards Bacardi