Speaker Cable Suggestion

I'm building my new hifi system. Currently includes a pair of B&W 804s, a Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated as well as the matching CD player.

Does anyone have any suggestions for potential speaker cable that would match best? The interconnect should be changed soon as well.

My idea would be the golden cross serie from Cardas or the neutral reference.

Any other suggestions?

I would suggest cables from Empirical Design. I ran Ridge Street Pioma!, Wireworld Polaris and, for a long while, Audience Au24 and found the ED cables to be superior in every respect. Detail without being tipped up or harsh. Holographic imaging and great reproduction of acoustic venue. Give Karl a call--he is knowledgeable, sincere and completely devoid of BS. He makes all types of cables, uses top quality connectors and dresses everything beautifully. Best of all, his cables won't break the bank. He offers a money back guarantee so there is nothing to lose. I wrote a review here on the A'gon which was also posted on Audio Asylum. With the recent reviews in Tone Audio I think you will be hearing more of this company.
Buy the 10 gauge Belden 5000 series Cable from Blue Jeans Cable. Don't get the four wire set-up.

You can outfit your system for about $50, including the gold plated locking banana plugs.

This wire sounds every bit as good in my system as the spendy cable it replaced! Put your money elsewhere.
make an effort to get a biwire version of whatever speaker cable you end up with. B&Ws like to be biwired.
Cables that worked really good with my N803s were Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun, Audience AU24(bit less bass impact though), Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerator, Purist Audio Aqueous 20th Anniversary. Avoid lean sounding cables and ones that roll of lows and emphasize highs. Try to find a cables that is most equally balanced...I know this is tough.
The Cardas you mentioned should be good, but I would recommend AZ Satori Shotgun instead, with matching AZ Matrix Reference MkII interconnects. All can be bought here used and are really good value. Just my opinion.
REally depends ontsate and what equipment needs are.I always liked Cardas to remove edge from Krell but freind at company (I sold thier gear for a few years) told me that for a PC Belden worked fine.Other amps can really have sound affected by PPC.IC's,speaker cables.Interesing that manufaturer I respect Mappleshade say's longer not shorter is better with speaker cables.Thier Omega Mikro hig end series are delicate but goo stuff.Yes I like Nordost,Goertz,and Transparent but in the main many folks go over 5% or total sysem, budget and miss out on better speakers,aplification sources to afford it.Cables aren't the cake,thier not the icing,their the sprinkles.Lending libraray is a good idea.By and large I respect manufacturers of all equipment like Rogue,Quicksliver,Totem,etc that offer high bang for the buck and with cables I think that Kimber 8TC is a fine inexpensive cable hat does no insult anyones intelligence.