Speaker Cable Suggestion

I'm building my new hifi system. Currently includes a pair of B&W 804s, a Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated as well as the matching CD player.

Does anyone have any suggestions for potential speaker cable that would match best? The interconnect should be changed soon as well.

My idea would be the golden cross serie from Cardas or the neutral reference.

Any other suggestions?

make an effort to get a biwire version of whatever speaker cable you end up with. B&Ws like to be biwired.
Cables that worked really good with my N803s were Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun, Audience AU24(bit less bass impact though), Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerator, Purist Audio Aqueous 20th Anniversary. Avoid lean sounding cables and ones that roll of lows and emphasize highs. Try to find a cables that is most equally balanced...I know this is tough.
The Cardas you mentioned should be good, but I would recommend AZ Satori Shotgun instead, with matching AZ Matrix Reference MkII interconnects. All can be bought here used and are really good value. Just my opinion.
REally depends ontsate and what equipment needs are.I always liked Cardas to remove edge from Krell but freind at company (I sold thier gear for a few years) told me that for a PC Belden worked fine.Other amps can really have sound affected by PPC.IC's,speaker cables.Interesing that manufaturer I respect Mappleshade say's longer not shorter is better with speaker cables.Thier Omega Mikro hig end series are delicate but goo stuff.Yes I like Nordost,Goertz,and Transparent but in the main many folks go over 5% or total sysem, budget and miss out on better speakers,aplification sources to afford it.Cables aren't the cake,thier not the icing,their the sprinkles.Lending libraray is a good idea.By and large I respect manufacturers of all equipment like Rogue,Quicksliver,Totem,etc that offer high bang for the buck and with cables I think that Kimber 8TC is a fine inexpensive cable hat does no insult anyones intelligence.
I've had quite a number of ic's and spkr. cable in my system over the years.
The cabling I'm using now which I really like is Gregg Straley's Reality Cables.
They provide a good, balanced presentation across the audio spectrum.
They don't veil the sound, roll off the highs or over emphasize any portion of the musical presentation-and believe me, there's a lot of "well known" cables out there that do just that.
Reviews here on Agon and there's a home audition available.
Good Luck!
Can't speak to the Golden Cross (can't afford it either for that matter), but the Cardas Cross single-wire was a bad match in my system. System being Musical Fidelity A5 separates, Jolida cd player, Monitor Audio Gold Ref 20's. I'm using Harmonic Technology Fantasy bi-wire right now and have been quite content with it but will probably audition other possibilities sometime down the road. A JPS Digital power cord made for a surprisingly nice improvement in sound for the Jolida. Definitely a keeper. Interconnects/pcs are a fun experiment-in-progress mix of HT and JPS.