Signal vs. Audio Art vs. Speltz Anti? Need help...

I'm looking to get an interconnect cable (between int. amp and cd player) and speaker wire at a budget. Has anyone compared two or all three of these brands? Has anyone heard anything better at the $100 and under range outside of these brands (that has compared them to any of these brands)?

I'm intentionally not mentioning what my system comprises (partially because I haven't bought the components yet), but mostly because I'm just looking for general comparisons and otehr people's experiences. Also, to circumvent anyone trying to tell me that it's all individual based on my system, I understand that, and for those who want to tell me to audition them first, I just don't have the patience for it. I just want to buy some cables based on general recommendations. If I'm really unhappy with them, I can try and upgrade or switch later on. No offense anyone, just being honest and trying to keep things simple. Any advice would be much appreciated.

I love the combo of the audio art pc, the ic 3's and Kimber 8TC bi-wired into my B&W 703's and HTM 7. Based on all this info, i love all the components and cables....BAR NONE....lmao

I get a bit carried away, but I have tried so many cables, it gives me sincere Peace of Mind to know i have my system complete and do not need to 'tweak' it anymore.

Hope that clears up my previous post. Cheers :)
I have Signal speaker cable and all three types of Signal PC's in my system. Very satisfied with this combination. On the I/C front, I have firsthand experience with all the brands mentioned in the original post ... and my opinion as to which is best can be summed up as "it depends". If you want the cleanest, purest sound (some may call it analytical), with the most detail ... then the Speltz Anti I/C's are the clear choice. IMO, they're great in the mids and highs, but not so strong on the low end. For the best in full bodied sound top to bottom, the AA IC-3's are the best ... with the Signal Cable Silver Resolution coming in very close behind. I think that may be due to the fact that - with the exception of Signal's Eichmann connectors - these I/C's have very similar geometry in the internal wiring ... silver plating over OF copper. To me they give a similar presentation ... smooth through entire range, with excellent details, midrange clarity, and tight authoritative bass. The AA IC-3's just do it a tiny bit better. That said, for my tastes and my system, if I could only have one I/C from among these choices I'd go with this order: 1)AA IC-3, 2)Signal SR, 3)Anti-IC's. At that same time, I could live with either one and not feel lacking or disappointed ... make sense?

FWIW ... between a multi-channel set-up, CDP, Pre, Tube buffer stage, and mains, there are quite a few I/C's at work. One not mentioned in the original thread is the LAT International IC-200. It retails for $279 for 1M pair. It is my personal favorite, and the I/C between CDP front L/R to Pre. I had an opportunity to A/B this against the AA IC-3, and it is the best of the bunch. Does everything the IC-3's do with just a bit more clarity and refinement.
Clean smooth sound not a bunch of depth, yes the Anti ic's do work good. Definetely a bargain even with Eichmann's. Break in time is very critical with these. At least 150 hours on that solid core magnet wire.
After reading this thread, I ordered a set of AA IC-3, will be comparing them to some interconnects I have on hand:

Speltz anti-ic with standard connectors
Tara Labs RSC prime(this set is from maybe 10 years ago)
Better Cables entry ic

I did see in the Audiogon review of the IC-3s a recommendation for a rather lengthy break-in before the sound is good, while they felt the IC-1 really sounded good right away.

What has been some of your experiences with the IC-3 regarding break in?

My biggest single audio improvement goal is to improve the intelligibility of the dialog in movies. My wife and I both have some hearing loss, and we have a devil of a time understanding dialog in movies. I am hoping the IC-3 will have an edge in dialog over the Speltz or IC-1.