Bi-wire v's single with jumper leads.

I am looking for your views on which you think are better.
A good set of bi-wire cables or a better single cable run with a good set or jumper leads?
Thank you.
Very system and cable dependent.

I compared single runs of Analysis Plus against biwire runs of the same and liked and disliked characteristics of each.

I also own Audience which at the time I bought them advised against biwiring.

It can get confusing and controversial indeed.
Biwiring has not sounded as coherent each time I've tried it. Single wiring for me.
you will get a million opinions on this subject, the view that it is very system dependant is accurate IMO.

Unfortunetly a pair of jumpers can be quite expensive so it ruins some of the advantage of using a single run of better wire

buy used try for yourself and sell at a minimal loss the wire you don't want.

fwiw: a nice way to hook up a single run of wire to a speaker with two sets of terminals is to hook up the + to the tweeter + and the - to the woofer - then use the jumpers as normal. this evens out any favoring of the drivers a normal hookup (both wires to the tweeter for instance) would bring.
I have talked to Richard Vandersteen about this very thing. He says that bi-wiring is the best for any speaker that is designed for it..that has an input for the lows and another for the highs. The cables have to be separate runs for each input...that is, you can't have a single cable that splits at the speaker end for bi-wire. I have done that setup as he recommends, and can definitely hear the difference. In addition, I like seperate + and -wires as well. All can view the technical reasons on the Vandersteen website.